Deadline to pay the registration fees is December 1, 2023. Please complete your payment by this date to avoid any late fee increase.


We are delighted to extend an invitation to the global academic community for the 2nd International Congress on Coastal Research (ICCR'2). This esteemed gathering is scheduled to take place at the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques in Tangier, Morocco, from December 8th to 10th, 2023.


The upcoming ICCR'2 is conceived as a wide-ranging academic colloquium encompassing the multifaceted realm of coastal research. Its mandate surpasses rudimentary tenets, integrating an extensive array of scholarly areas. These comprise, but are not confined to, pertinent elements of geological sciences, bespoke investigations pertaining to coastal marine ecosystems and ecology, along with the domain of physical geography, with an accentuated focus on geomorphology.

Furthermore, the congress will delve into academic examination of topics germane to climatology, coastal oceanography, and the relatively underexplored discipline of coastal hydrogeology. Striving for an all-encompassing perspective, the congress is set to address aspects of environmental resource management, various engineering fields, and the methodology of remote sensing.

Recognizing the critical impact of policy, legislation, and socio-political dynamics on coastal research, the ICCR'2 will place substantial emphasis on policy dialogues, coastal legislative structures, and pertinent matters such as conflict resolution and risk management. The congress also aims to explore the complex terrain of Integrated Coastal Zone Management, emphasizing its paramount importance for the future trajectory of coastal research.

ICCR'2 is envisioned as a global convocation, drawing delegates from an array of geographical regions. Its mission is to enable collaboration, stimulate scholarly debate, and disseminate the newest findings from coastal research studies and initiatives.

The congress opens its doors not only to researchers, but also practitioners and educators, providing them with a distinctive interdisciplinary stage. This platform permits the showcasing and discussion of cutting-edge innovations, emerging trends, and urgent issues. Moreover, ICCR'2 fosters an atmosphere supportive of discussing practical challenges confronted by these professionals and exploring potential solutions applied in the vibrant field of coastal environmental sciences.



E3S Conferences

All Short papers submitted to the 2nd International Congress on Coastal Research (ICCR'2) will be subject to an exhaustive review process conducted by two or three esteemed experts from the committee. The meticulous review procedure ensures that only high-quality research is presented at the congress.

Upon acceptance, and contingent upon registration and presentation, the short papers will be incorporated into the official congress proceedings. These proceedings are destined for publication with E3S Web of Conferences. This is an Open Access platform committed to the archiving of conference proceedings that span an array of subjects encompassing Environment, Energy, and Earth Sciences (eISSN: 2267-1242).

The papers presented in the conference proceedings will be readily accessible to a global audience. They will be indexed by various prominent academic resources such as Google Scholar, CAS, DOAJ, CPCI (Web of Science), EBSCO, ProQuest, Scopus, and Ei Compendex. This indexing ensures that the groundbreaking research presented at the ICCR'2 can reach the widest possible audience and contribute significantly to advancements in the respective fields of study.

Special Issues
Selected papers will be published in 2 journals after review. Read more…


ScopusConference Proceedings Citation IndexAnnonces Résultats de recherche Résultat Web avec des liens annexes Directory of Open Access Journals

Google ScholarProQuestCAS
EBSCOEi CompendexE3S Web of Conferences


Short paper Submissions Open
Jully 1st, 2023

Short paper Submissions Close
October 31, 2023 (extended deadline)

Authors Notified
November 20, 2023

Early Bird Registration Closes
December 1, 2023

ICCR'2 Begings
December 8, 2023

ICCR'2 Proceedings

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